Friday, 7 April 2017

balloon experiment

Force and motion
On Monday morning in room 10 we did  an experiment of Force and Motion. Force and motion is push or pull.  First we watched a video. It was  about Force and Motion. Then we got into groups. In my group I had Mereka, Priya, Reaini , Brooke and Amyleigh.  Second we tested it. How we tested it was we threw it to the person across from us or next to us. But first we got into a circle. Last we went on webcam video recorder and made a video. We were recording ourselves so we could see what was happening to the balloon when we throw it to each other. Then we sat at our desk and Miss Matthews got Tuatu and Zidane to stand up and throw the balloon to each other in different way.  For example under arm, over arm and like a shot put throw.  Miss Matthews took the video because she wanted us to see how the balloon inside the other balloon was spinning.  So she put it in slow motion. She wanted us to look at the balloon to see how the little balloon was spinning making the bigger balloon spin too.

If I was to change this experiment i would  put 3 water balloons in the big balloon because then it would be more heavy for the balloon to throw to someone. I Think it would fall to the ground because it would be to heavy. By Jahnera

Thursday, 6 April 2017


i was learning to do divedebyes with screencastify. it was fun because we went outside to get air and do it. It was easy because anything dived by 2 is what makes he first number.